Bailey (our Dubai street kitty on the mend)

We’re taking care of Bailey, one of the cats who call the AUD campus home, after his surgery earlier this week. Poor little Bailey got his hind quarters caught in a claw trap of some kind. No one knows exactly how since he managed to get himself free from it before being found and taken to the veterinarian a couple weeks ago by Faye Doran who works at AUD. Faye is an angel to these street kitties, feeding them and taking care of them as best she can. We’ll have Bailey for a couple of weeks until he’s ready to meet back up with his friends and family again on the campus grounds.

Tasmena Studio and MENAlab 2010

Earlier this month, a week of amazing design events were coordinated surrounding the MENAlab , a series of labs where participants got get hands-on experience led by top design professionals from around the world. Beth and I participated in a panel discussion at the beginning of the week that was moderated by Joumana Al Jabr, the co-founder of Febrik NGO in Beirut. It was a fast-paced week of excitement and I wish every week could be so socially engaging and intellectually stimulating. But perhaps we would all become too exhausted.

Here are some photos from the last day of the lab series where the participants presented their work to the public. Giorgio and James would be very disappointed that it took me 3 weeks to post these since their lab was all about the immediacy of our interconnected social networked world!

Studied Impact

Elizabeth and I have launched our new website. It highlights all of the work that we have been doing in the past years with the aim to attract both for-profit and not-for-profit clients who are interested in high quality design and are conscious of its ecological impact. Projects range from architecture, to social practice art and studio art, to non-profit and NGO web design, to graphic design, and curatorial work.

Studied Impact Design is a multidisciplinary design house focused on the environmental impact of design. Through various projects in social practice artwork, architecture, new media, and graphic design, we call attention to issues of resource and energy conservation. And we take action through our designs to minimize the impact that our projects have on ecosystems so that they are sustainable additions to our shared living habitat for generations in the future.

Sustainability is not just about resources, but also about social harmony.
