New Images from Around Dubai

Some new interesting additions to the skyline of the Dubai CBD that are still under construction. These two buildings face each other across Sheikh Zayed Road and come together as a sort of gateway of postmodern reference halfway along the canyon of the contemporary. I think that they are a welcome diversion from the slightly cacophonous colored glass symphony that surrounds them.

In front of the Crown Plaza on Sheikh Zayed Road

The Crown Plaza

We’ve seen this advertisement around town for a while now. It has always made us wonder what sort of apocalyptic black hole the little girl is pointing into where your good deeds are apparently delivered.

Sweet example of the local nose greeting. We have no idea what this sign says. The best we could put together with google translate is “And the house of civil branches confidently weaves alone, signed and embroidered.” It’s really beautiful as a poem in its own right. If anyone has the correct translation, please let us know.